The last “Survivors 2024” gala was marked by the uncertainty around participation by Nagore Robles in the reality show. After exit by Carmen Borrego health reasons, the program offered Nagore the opportunity to take his place on the island. However, the collaborator He surprised everyone by declining the offer..

During the broadcast of ‘Survivors 2024: No Man’s Land’, Nagore announced his decision awaiting spectators. Even if the program offered her the same cache as Carmen BorregoNagore decided to reject the proposal due to a powerful reason: I wanted to participate in the competition from the first day and on an equal footing with the rest of the candidates..

In his own words, Nagore said: “I think I’m a champion, strong enough and a good enough competitor to start from day one. I would not like to enter with the handicap of having arrived a month later“. This determination made it clear that Nagore is ready to compete for the title of Survivor, but only if she can do it from the start of the competition. However, Nagore did not completely close the doors to “survivors”. He affirmed his interest in participating in the next edition of the program, provided that the right conditions are met. “I’m ready to sit at the table for the next edition of “Survivors.” If this network wants me and this producer, I sit down and we listen and we come to an agreement“, said the collaborator.

This decision by Nagore Robles raised great expectations regarding What will be your next step in the world of television?. The collaborator’s followers will be attentive to any news regarding her participation in future editions of “Survivors” and other television projects she may have in mind.

By wbu4c

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