It is a fact that Spain, like the rest of the West, is experiencing a process of secularization, with secular inflections, whose influence on social relations should not be neglected, particularly due to the development of a body of legislation that, too often, disregards the Christian roots that have historically shaped the Spanish nation, undermining the defense of individual rights which, in itself, have never been in contradiction with the religious principles of Christianity.

In reality, and despite the Marxist conception of History, it is not possible to understand the order of freedoms and scientific progress that Western civilization has developed without the basic philosophy which permeates the doctrine of the churches which follow the path of the Gospel, in particular. Catholic. But if it is true that the action of this militant secularism, not only on the left, operates with force on the social body, it is also true that the Spaniards retain deeply rooted Christian and Catholic roots, a wealth of moral and cultures that distinguish them. us, above all impartial observers of other societies, even those closest culturally.

The Spanish concept of the extended nuclear family, interpersonal relationships and open coexistence are manifestations which, with all the exceptions that can be noted, give to Spanish society a particular meaning which, we insist, cannot be understood without the help of faith. our parents. It is for this reason that today Spain commemorates the passion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a glorious prelude to the Resurrection, originating from the deeply rooted Catholic tradition, a popular phenomenon in which harmoniously blend culture, beliefs and customs.

Processions, stations of the cross, vigils, sacramental autos spread throughout the national territory – and, of course, in Latin America – and brought together millions of Spaniards around the symbols of the Christian faith. They are samples of devotion, curiosity and respect for the traditions which have their origins in the Middle Ages and which have accompanied the Nation throughout the centuries and which are not in contradiction with the leisure activities of a modern society and do not represent no imposition on those who do not share religion, not even as a cultural expression.

These are the same people who, against the evidence of the majority acceptance of citizens, will cry out for another year against the “occupation” of public space and will demand a retreat into the purely private sphere of religious manifestations. The same people who denigrate Holy Week, but enthusiastically congratulate those who celebrate Ramadan. In short, the very people who, year after year, based on an erroneous conception of secularism, turn their backs on the majority of Spanish society, which vibrates today in the streets of Spain.

By wbu4c

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