Everything stopped. The CGIL and the UIL have proclaimed a national general strike for next Thursday, April 11 with 4 hours of abstention. As always, the biggest disruptions are likely to occur in the transport sector. In Milan, ATM’s metros, buses and trams as well as Trenord’s regional trains will be threatened. According to what we read on the dedicated portal of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, railway workers will be able to stop from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., while TPL workers will be able to stop for “4 hours with territorial methods”.

The unions’ first demand is “zero deaths at work”. “Health and safety at work must become a constraint on being able to carry out commercial activities”, they explained, asking “to cancel the laws which, over the years, have made work precarious and fragmented”, to “cancel the laws which, over the years, have made work precarious and fragmented”, defeat subcontracting to cascade and restore equality.” economic and regulatory treatment of workers in all public and private contracts” and to “strengthen control and prevention activities by increasing recruitment in the Labor Inspectorate and in local health authorities”.

The second point is “good tax reform”. “Employees and retirees pay more than 90% of Irpef revenues, while entire economic categories continue not to pay up to 70% of the taxes due. Overall fraud continues to amount to 90 billion per year. an – we read in a joint note from the CGIL and the UIL. – The delegation that the government applies instead of fighting against tax and tax evasion introduces new amnesties, amnesties and agreements, does not tax profits additional, favors financial and real estate income, wealthy self-employed people and great wealth.

“This approach of the government must be fought and reversed: it is necessary – continued the unions – to reduce taxes on employees and retirees, tax income and fight against tax evasion; thus promote progressive taxation by eliminating tax flat rate, by broadening the tax base of Irpef to all incomes, by indexing deductions for work and retirement to real inflation and by exempting contractual increases from tax.

The last demand concerns “a new social and economic model”. “We want to put the value of work back at the center of the economic and social policies of the government and businesses, based on the renewal of national contracts and a law on representation, the centrality of health and the person, the quality of stable benefits and an unstable and precarious employment situation, a serious pension reform, the relaunch of public and private investments to reconvert and innovate our production system and aim – conclude the acronyms – full and good employment from the South “.

By wbu4c

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