The voracity of the separatists has been a constant throughout these years of democratic history. Its dealings with state governments rely on the exploitation of biased parliamentary arithmetic to enrich its privileges. And they continued like this whenever the central power authorized it, which was the guideline. With Pedro Sánchez, however, the level of submission reached unimaginable levels, paradoxically also, in the worst years of separatism with an accelerated fall in popular support due to the discredit of the nomenclature and the decline of the Principality. The deception that Spain was stealing from us, the cruelty of the state, the anthropological victimization, worked until the charade collapsed. La Moncloa took it upon himself to resurrect a dying man with a sale that transformed the setback of the general elections into a new mandate. Sedition, pardons, embezzlement, forgiveness of debts, millionaire investments, amnesty… transformed the face of defeat after the coup d’état against the constitutional order into a victory against legality.

Furthermore, Sánchez approved the false story of the process aimed at making it official that there was repression against crimes that were not crimes, that democracy which behaved like a dictatorship was persecuting political dissidents in the exercise of their legitimate rights, that those who violated the laws were judges, prosecutors and state security forces and that those convicted were victims of colossal injustice to put an end to the majority desires of the Catalan people. The president has sealed with his seal of political and legal authority this monumental fraud, this manifest disloyalty. And he did it after having promised the Spaniards the opposite, that there was rebellion and corruption, that he would put Puigdemont on the bench, that the 155 was adjusted and legitimate and that there was neither grace nor pardon.

The ambition and thirst for power of the tenant of La Moncloa pushed the country and its people to lack protection against the separatists, who will do it again. He gutted the Penal Code to undermine defenses of the rule of law. The present and the future are in the hands of the enemies of constitutional Spain associated with Sanchismo. There will be no harmony, no coexistence, no dialogue, no new stage for Catalonia, but rather a return to the darkest.

The fact that the common good was sacrificed for seven seats in the worst act of corruption ever known in democracy suggests that in reality, the self-determination referendum is on the table, as ERC and Junts announced, as did fiscal independence that the Treasury inspectors denounce as “unconstitutional”. The PSOE’s denial reminds us of what it did with pardons and amnesty… Junqueras is already talking about consultation and returning to prison if necessary. They are playing with fire with the arsonists in power.

By wbu4c

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